One of the topics that comes up in the Alcoholiday is cravings and how to manage drinking cravings. I always like to remind people that no feeling is final. The craving feeling is temporary, and it will pass.
All feelings will pass. Joy and sorrow. Excitement and anger.
When you are experiencing a craving, you don't have to let it be in the driver's seat.
The craving can ride with you, but it doesn't get to drive.
In fact, you are the driver, and you can take that craving to the airport just like an uber driver. As you drive away, catch a glance in the rearview mirror and watch it take off on an airplane and fly far away.
You can do this with any emotion- it doesn't need to be the driver. You are the driver; the feeling is the passenger. Anger, anxiety, sadness, grief, shame, guilt. They are all temporary uber passengers.
So next time you are having an uncomfortable feeling- let it ride around with you and then drop that sucker off.
Do you want just a small vacation from alcohol but not ready to stop “forever”? Try my FREE e-course: 10 Day Holiday- Alcohol Free Break. Learn more and sign up here: https://www.alcoholtippingpoint.com/10dayholiday
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