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A Day in the Life of a Sober Gal

Debbie Masner

I get a lot of questions about what to do when you’re not drinking, how to have fun on the weekends, and what to do at night besides drink. When you drink it takes up a ton of time from thinking about drinking, drinking, and then recovering from drinking (ugh the worst!)

I thought I’d just share what my weekend day looked like just living my badass alcohol-free life and maybe it will help you too.

The events that follow are from Saturday April 2. I’ll leave out the mundane details (like kid stuff) to spare you 😉

Wake up Time: Wake up without an alarm and without a gummy mouth, cloudy head, and throbbing temples. Seriously, waking up without a hangover is a gift that doesn’t get old. I’ve never woken up and said, “Gee I wish I drank last night.” I can’t even count how many times in the past I did wake up and say “Ugh, I wish I hadn’t drank last night.”

Coffee Time: Gawd, I love coffee. This is not something I want to give up. This is elixir to my soul- please don’t take my coffee. Just because you’re giving up drinking doesn’t mean you have to give up all liquids. Where my coffee people at?

Work Time: Had an impactful 1:1 session with one of my dear clients. We talked about the joy and freedom you had as a kid- running through a field Little House on the Prairie style. Kids just live moment to moment- not worrying about the future. How can we be more like kids and live in the moment? Fun fact: My celebrity doppelganger is Melissa Gilbert who played Laura Ingalls Wilder in Little House on the Prairie. One year for Halloween I went as Laura, and my husband went as Pa Ingalls which is weird when you think about it.

Lunch Time: Baby Shower for one of my favorite friends. This shower had mimosas galore because nothing says pregnant mom and babies like day drinking! Never fear, my friends, they had juice and sparkling ciders for the non-drinkers. Ok snark aside (couldn’t you have some other non-alcohol options) it was a Pinterest perfect baby shower, and I had fun without drinking. I reflected on old Deb who would have had several mimosas, driven home in a cloud and then either kept drinking or passed out for a few hours to prep for the night of drinking ahead of me. Instead, I left with energy and went to one of my favorite places: the library.

Library Time: If you know me, you know I love: 1. Free stuff 2. Reading. So of course, I love the library. I returned the huge stack I accumulated. Some were stinkers but three books stood out and I’d recommend them. I’ve always been a book nerd but since I don’t fall asleep (pass out) reading I’ve really stepped up my reading game.

Here are my picks from the latest haul (all fiction this time- fiction is my escape):

Nap Time: What can I say? I’m a napster. I love a warm delicious nap. Then I get to start my day over and have coffee again. Win, win.

Take Out and Movie Time: My husband left to watch the final four games with a friend, so I got Jimmy Johns for me and the girls, and we watched the Scorch Trials. (We’re making our way through the Maze Runner movies.)

Bath Time: I have really been getting into just escaping in a bath full of epsom salts. In the bath I caught up on social media and found out our local weatherman died. It’s strange how attached you can become to your local news people. I read tributes about him and had a good cry.

Bedtime: Hit that pillow sober af and with no regrets. Still, 2+ years alcohol free, I thank myself every night for not drinking.

Well that wraps up a day in the life of a sober gal. It’s not perfect but it is better than a drinking day. I hope you enjoyed it and found it helpful and POSSIBLE. It is possible to have a full, joyful day without drinking.

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